Always Enough

June 16

Always Enough

Today’s Scripture Readings: Psalm 134:1-3; 1 Kings 15:25-17:24; Acts 10:23b-48; Proverbs 17:9-11

Today’s Scripture Focus:  1 Kings 15-25-17:24

“So she did as Elijah said, and she and Elijah and her son continued to eat from her supply of flour and oil for many days. For no matter how much they used, there was always enough left in the containers, just as the LORD had promised through Elijah” (1 King 17:15-16 NLT).

God has revealed himself in scripture as “The Lord our Provider.” The story of Elijah is a reminder of how God is able to provide in extraordinary ways.

At first God used ravens to feed Elijah. Each morning and evening they would bring meat and bread to Elijah. After a period of time, though, God used another method. This new method required an even greater measure of faith and obedience.

He was told to go to a widow in Zaraphath. God would provide for Elijah’s need through someone in need. Apparently God had already spoken to her about the situation. Still it was quite the test of faith for all involved.

She had only enough flour and oil to feed her son and herself. They were expecting it to be their last meal. Then Elijah comes expecting to be fed as well. The timing just didn’t seem right.

Elijah encouraged the woman that if she would take this step of faith, God would provide. In obedience to God, she took the step of faith. And of course, God supplied. He continued to supply again and again each day. The flour and oil containers refused to be depleted. There was always enough!

God is our provider. Follow his instructions carefully. Walk in obedience and faith. Trust him to provide. He is the God who makes sure there is always enough!

Father, you are my Lord, my Provider. Those who trust you lack no good thing. So we wait for your provision. We wait for you to provide for all our needs. Give us the faith to trust you to supply in both ordinary and extraordinary ways. Amen.

About pastorjeffsneighborhood

Born and raised in Minnesota, I have served in churches in Minnesota, Ohio, Oregon and California. I am a graduate of Crown College (MN) and George Fox Evangelical Seminary (OR). I have also done additional graduate studies in New Testament Studies at the Center for Advanced Theological Studies at Fuller Theological Seminary (CA). I am also a graduate of the College of Prayer. Having served as the Academic Dean and Program Director at Horizon Institute of Los Angeles for several years, I have returned to the pastorate and serve as Pastor of Big Trees Community Bible Church in Arnold, CA.
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