Tag Archives: rest for your soul

Under Attack

Deep down we all know that words can wound us deeply. Continue reading

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Under Attack

As children we used to say, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Those words may be valiant attempts to downplay a verbal attack, but they are untrue. Deep down we all know that words can wound us deeply. Continue reading

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God promised that if they would obey him, he would give the children of Israel the land. While their obedience was far from perfect, God fully fulfilled his end of the bargain. Not one of all his good promises had failed; they all came to pass. Continue reading

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Is Your Soul at Rest?

Come, find rest for your soul. In his presence, the broken, wounded soul finds forgiveness, healing, and renewed strength. Walking with Him as he bears the yoke, enables us to accomplish much more than we could ever accomplish on our own. Continue reading

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Rest (Apr 20)

God promised that if they would obey him, he would give the children of Israel the Land. While their obedience was far from perfect, God fully fulfilled his end of the bargain. Not one of all his good promises had failed; they all came to pass. Continue reading

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Rest (Apr 20)

April 20 Rest Today’s Scripture Readings: Psalm 57:1-6 | Joshua 21:1-22:20 | Luke 20:1-26 | Proverbs 13:15-16 Today’s Scripture Focus:  Joshua 21-22 And the LORD gave them rest on every side just as he had sworn to their ancestors; not … Continue reading

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